Free Printable Magnetic Jack o'Lantern Craft


I wanted to come up with a fun printable to use up the rest of my magnetic printer paper (and keep my girls from fighting over the printable magnetic haunted house that I made for them last year!) so I created these fun Halloween jack o'lanterns! There are two cute pumpkin shapes and a ton of eye, nose, and mouth shapes to choose from. You could even use whiteboard markers to color them in if you choose. Hope your kids enjoy them as much as mine do! xo, Lauren

Download the printable pumpkins and face shapes right here:
Pumpkin 1
Pumpkin 2
Eye Shapes
Nose Shapes
Mouth Shapes

(And you can find the magnetic printer paper right here)

Super Simple Last-Minute Halloween Bash

 We're having people over for Halloween night on Friday and I really wanted to put up a few decorations, but I've been so busy I haven't had time to give it much thought. Today I decided to just go for it, so I raided my party box and stole some pumpkins off of our front porch. Twenty minutes later and it's looking a lot more festive at our house! I may still add a few things here and there over the next few days - bats? cute witch hat cups? But I'm pretty happy to have something. I think my favorite part are the tissue paper ball decorations - a little black construction paper and tape and voila! Instant Halloween party decorations.

 Happy Halloween! xo, Lauren

Follow Along! Style Cure 2014

Guess what! I'm crazy and decided to participate again in Apartment Therapy's Style Cure. I figure maybe it will give us some motivation to get something done around the H-Haus! You can follow along here if you're interested. xo, Lauren

P.S. Thanks to my mama for taking my new "head shot" with my dad's fancy camera while my children hung all over her! Also not pictured: the mountain of toys that litter the floor of this room - ha!

Favorite Parenting Links Lately


1. What kids around the world eat for breakfast from the NY times is sooo interesting!

2. We're not positive that we're finished having children yet, but since we're currently leaning toward stopping at two, I'm totally feeling this article. 

3. What French kids eat for school lunch - as a teacher I SO wish this is what American school lunches looked like!!! I'm not sure if the particular school featured is typical of France, but the lunches and the way in which they are served are certainly quite amazing.

4. He's not scary, he's a little boy. I love how this article helps to encourage parents to go beyond telling their children that stares and unkind words are "not nice", but additionally to teach your child to meet and interact with other people who might be different from them.

5. Even if we choose not to have any more kids, I sooo hope this happens!!!

Hape + American Apparel on Zulily

So excited - two of my favorite brands are on sale right now on Zulily - Hape Toys and American Apparel! We were already planning to get the Hape refrigerator for the girls for Christmas (loving the working ice maker!) and this is the cheapest I've found it by far! Sooo excited to get a great deal! Just thought I'd pass it along in case anyone else is eyeing up any of these goodies! xo, Lauren


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