Happy Halloween!

Getting ready to bake some pumpkin cookies, drink hot apple cider, and go trick-or-treating for the first time with the babe! Happy Halloween from our house to yours.

Pumpkin image via Pinterest by Kelli Trontel Photography

Our Weekend in Pictures

It began and ended with dollhouses:

1. Started out with some serious dollhousing.
2. Yeah, that's right, I said dollhousing.
3. Happy kangaroo!
4. Hair is officially long enough to pull back, which poses the question: get it chopped or grow it out?
5. It snowed. A lot. In OCTOBER.
6. Checking out the snow.
7. Snow bunny.
8. Power's out - dollhousing at Grammy & Pop Pop's.

So I seriously still can't believe we got this much snow in October. I think they said that this hasn't happened in like 40 years or something crazy like that. It was kinda cool at first until tree branches started coming down everywhere, we lost power, and the Halloween parade got canceled. Luckily the power came back on Sunday evening - Hallelujah! Which meant that we could watch The Walking Dead and, you know, have heat and light and such things. 

Hoping that things are okay for Trick or Treat tomorrow. We bought the kangaroo costume for Violet to wear last year (we were looking for something warm and cute) and this costume fit the bill. It claimed to be 6-12 months online, but when it arrived it was large enough for a two year old. So we DIY'ed her witch costume at the last minute and put this puppy in storage. Luckily this year it fits and she likes it! Especially her little baby joey that she can put in her pouch. 

I think she's seriously going to LOVE Halloween with walking up to people's houses, seeing scarecrows and jack o' lanterns, and getting candy (not that she can eat it yet but she'll like getting it nonetheless). Not to mention the other kids. Yeah, she's going to freak out (in a good way hopefully).

So excited - Happy Halloween!

Nursery Idea Board No. 2: Vintage Industrial

Another look I'm loving (which is completely opposite from the last one) is the whole vintage/industrial thing that is going on right now. Etsy is a treasure trove for quirky vintage finds, and Restoration Hardware has a whole line of goodies for kids with an industrial vibe, so this one was easy to pull together:

Clockwise from top left: pendant, ship print, storage bench, rug, owl plushie, eames rocker, bunny bookends, bicycle quilt, pendleton pillow, framed ship painting, industrial wall letter

I'm open to suggestions for idea boards, so if there's something you'd like to see let me know!

Social Media: Here I Come!

In case you didn't know - I'm on Instagram (and posting a lot more now that I've entered the 21st Century!) Mostly just posting photos of our little life, but feel free to follow along!

Are you on Instagram? What's your user name? I'd love to follow you too!

Vintage Finds: Edmond

Have you seen this gem of a store? It's called Edmond and it's full of some of the most beautiful vintage furniture and decor that you ever did see. Definitely check it out.

Some lovely styling as well, don't you think?!

Get the Look: Vintage Modern Nursery

I've always loved this nursery from Domino Magazine. It's just the right combination of modern and vintage; color and neutrals. Do you love it too? Get the look:

clockwise from top left: early bird pendant lamp, behr dew drop paint, window shade fabric, lion painting, fabric bin, wooden stool, mid-century lamp, flor carpet tiles, giraffe pull toy, modern bookshelf, pendleton blanket, giraffe wallpaper silhouette, sheepskin rug, striped chair

Fun Products for Feeding Your Toddler

It served us well, but Violet is quickly becoming too old for her high chair and tray. She loves to sit on the 'big girl chair' at the table and eat from a plate with utensils. (Utensils, people - where did my little baby go?!) I've been on the hunt for some proper dinnerware and seating for our little lady (okay, she still likes to prop her feet up on the table while she's eating, but ya know). Here are a few fun products that have made my short list:

clockwise from top left: food face dinner plate, skip hop mate, boon saucer, emmo home puzzle tray, cooshee booster seat

Admittedly, she may have to be a little older to use the food face dinner plate, seeing as how it's ceramic and all and sometimes Violet still likes to, oops! hurl her plate full force drop things on the floor, but I couldn't resist adding it.

What are your favorite products for little eaters? I'd love some suggestions! xo, Lauren

Chit Chat & Stink Faces

Fun facts:

Violet is a girl of many faces - one of which the Hubster has dubbed her 'stink face'.

Violet likes to talk on the phone (sometimes she uses a calculator.)

If we talk 'baby talk' to Violet she will say it back to us. She's quite the conversationalist!

Current favorite words: Mommeeee, uh huuuuh, uh oh, NO!, more more

Signs: more, all done, thank you, sorry!

She's currently in love with: planes, helicopters, motorcycles, and trucks (she says 'vroom vroom!'), crunching leaves, saying hi to the neighborhood scarecrows, and sliding down sliding boards

Violet consumes anywhere from two to four eggs per day and copious amounts of apples and bananas.

We love our little girl!

Can You Believe it's almost November?!


November is almost here - can you believe it?! We have some ad space freed up for next month with very reasonable prices and larger sizes. I love to work with small businesses, handmade shops, and other bloggers. We're growing each month and I'm expecting numbers to go up with a new series this month in addition to the fact that I can now that I can be a little more 'social' with my new iPhone! Here are the current stats:

38,000+ monthly page views
1013+ subscribers through Google Reader
206+ Twitter followers
252+ Facebook followers
467+ Pinterest followers

Sizing & Prices:

300x125 (Large)

300x75 (Large)

If you would like more information, please send me an email at withtwocats@gmail.com

Looking forward to working with you!

Bedroom Idea Board: Getting Deep

I'm working on some of my own idea boards (just for fun) to try to fall back in love with the process. Sometimes creating things for someone else can be a lot more stressful. There's a lot of pressure to 'get it right'. I'm generally a person who loves light, colorful, happy spaces, but lately I've been drawn to a lot of black, richer deeper colors, and natural tones and textures. I've noticed my past two idea boards for Houzz.com have been along this vein, along with this bedroom idea board I've been working on. It's not something I set out to do, it just seems to evolve this way lately:

Clockwise from top left: botanical chart, carved bowls, mirror, rug, blue velvet pillow, striped pillow, bedding, succulent, bench, lamp, sconce, hurricane, bedside table

11 Amazing Wallpapered Nurseries

When we were creating Violet's nursery, I really wanted to use wallpaper but was worried it would be too difficult with her sloped walls. Some days I wish I had a huge house full of rooms so that I could use all of the amazing wallpaper that is out there! But since I'm not winning the lottery any time soon (considering I don't play - oops!) I suppose I'll just have to live vicariously through others. Here are ten eleven children's spaces that got it just right:

one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven

Would you ever use wallpaper in a nursery?

Social Media: Here I Come!


Alright people, now that I have my new iPhone I'm planning on conquering the world that is social media. If you're not already following me on Twitter (@withtwocats) or Instagram (withtwocats), I'm going to be posting a LOT more regularly, if you're interested!


Aspiring Social Media Queen,

P.S. The 'vintage' Twitter ad is available for free download here!

Steppin' Out Saturday 10.22.11

It's a record! I remembered to take pics two weekends in a row. This Saturday Violet went to visit her Grammy and Pop Pop for the afternoon while the Hubster and I attended our (first annual) local Oktoberfest. I was looking forward to it all week and was hoping to totally rave about, but I have to be honest and say that it was a bit of a bust. The set up was really awful and the food was basically really bad stadium food, but hey - there's always next year! 

Linking up from Mandy over on The Haps


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