1. The weather lately has been hit or miss. Typical spring - it's either eighty degrees and sunny or forty degrees and raining. On the sunny days we almost always go to the "PAHK!". It's a short stroll down the street, and Violet and I quite literally stroll...with our "duhlduhs". She pushes hers and I push mine - that's how we roll. We almost always get a smile from passersby. I've got the system down to an art. If she gets tired of strolling and decides to ride instead I fold up her mini and stow it down below. She is really into slides (the twisty is her fav) and mulch - the latter apparently especially when she's wearing her white dress :)
2. Her second birthday and party are rapidly approaching and the supplies have been arriving daily on our doorstep. These beauties are all from Shop Sweet Lulu. Love that place.
3. So long orange, hello Cole & Son Cow Parsley in yellow! I am seriously so thrilled with this wallpaper. I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am when I walk downstairs each morning to this magnificence. This room gets great light in the morning, but the rest of the day can be a bit on the dark side. Now it feels sunny all of the time (and bigger too!)
4. When we aren't at the park, we're often strolling around the neighborhood. I love all of the mature trees that we have. That's the benefit of living in an older home. In the spring it's a riot of color. Pure magic.
5. My mama found this little ditty on the curb.
For the garbage men people. Can you even imagine? I mean this is thick solid wood. It's amazing, and it's going to be Violet's new play kitchen. So if you see me pinning felt food and wooden toasters to my hearts content now you'll know why...
6. I can't tell you the number of times I've looked down and realized that Violet and I match, or, at the very least, coordinate. I swear I don't consciously try to do this. Does this happen to anyone else?
7. Violet's big girl room is now home to several of her works of art. I have a collection that is continuously growing - the girl loves to paint. I can't bring myself to throw it out, so I'm just amassing a pile that soon will surely take over my dining room. I think I may have to photograph it all and create a photobook or poster out of it or something. My mom had a file cabinet where she kept all of our art from the time we were very young. She gave it all to me when I moved out and I just loved looking through all of it. Then I threw most of it away. Unfortunately tiny Tudors like ours just aren't made for saps like me.
8. Love me some leg hugs. This girl knows how to give 'em, let me tell you.
9. We've been digging in the dirt a lot lately. Finding 'bees' (bugs), rocks, and, well, more dirt. The Hubster is working on creating a vegetable garden and in the meantime Violet has decided it's her own personal
sand dirt box. She also likes to take off her shoes and sift it between her toes. (But heaven forbid there is a speck of dirt in her bath tub. Ah toddler logic...)
10. I just love when she falls asleep in my arms. Most of the time I put her down awake, but every now and then just as I'm finishing her story she'll turn in and nuzzle her head into my chest. I sing her a lullaby and she just drifts off to sleep so peacefully. There's nothing like the look of pure, blissful, innocent toddler sleep. Not a care or a worry in the world. Just deep rhythmic breathing and that sweet angelic face. It's moments like these I want to hold onto forever and ever.
xo, Lauren
P.S. If you want to follow on Instagram my username is @withtwocats