Speaking of Fashion...

I turned off the Oscars last night after about twenty minutes. The montages and spoofs were mind-numbingly boring and I just couldn't get into it. I did, however, have some fashion favorites from the red carpet - my absolute favorite being Mila Kunis:

Her dress was the perfect shade of purple, and was breathtakingly feminine but still young and fun. Hailee Steinfeld also chose a feminine gown that was perfectly age-appropriate:

Mandy Moore didn't get a lot of attention, but I really loved her sparkling Monique Lhuillier number:

And, of course, Gwyneth is never one to disappoint:

And while I didn't think Michelle Williams' dress was the most flattering she could have chosen, she totally pulled it off with her fabulous hair and makeup:

I so wish I could pull off short hair! I still have yet to watch The King's Speech - time is precious these days, but I will get to it one of these days - Colin Firth has always been a huge favorite of mine (the original Mr. Darcy!) So what did you think? Did you make it through the show?

Mama Style

Have you seen Mandy's Mama Style series over on Harpers Happenings?

It's totally inspired me to get my act together and start taking a little more time for myself again. At least once a week I'm going to try to get dolled up - even if I'm just hanging out at the house. I think it'll be good for me, and I'm sure the Hubster will appreciate it as well! Another thing to add to my 30 before thirty list...

Moe's Home!

Yes, that's right - the prodigal son has returned!!! Thank you so much for all of the advice.

We called animal control, left Moe's description and circled the house and neighborhood a few times before heading off for our date night. We had debated staying home, but it's very rare that the two of us go out and we didn't want to miss it. Upon our return we walked up to the house, and there on the side porch was Moe - curled up on the doormat looking at us like, where have you been!? We were SO happy to have him back and I didn't even mind that he took up most of the bed last night (seriously how does a cat take up so much space???).

We think that someone probably took him in for the day due to his pathetic-ness (he can whine like a banshee), because he didn't seem at all hungry or thirsty when he got home. (And I highly doubt that he...caught any wild game shall we say, as he is more of a lover than a fighter and isn't exactly stealthy.) What his real adventures were I guess that we'll never know, but we're very happy to have our little family of five back together! Thanks again!!!

With One Cat?

I may have to change the name of my blog...Moe has gone missing! Both cats actually escaped somehow yesterday night and we didn't realize it until about five this morning when Violet woke up to have her pacifier put back in. Charlie wandered in this morning after we set some food out, but still no Moe.

We've set out both wet and dry food, called for him, walked around the neighborhood, played his favorite high-pitched elephant toy while walking around the neighborhood, and driven around the neighborhood. We've even asked the post man and a lady going door to door with some sort of clipboard.

I'm extra worried about him because although he's the sweetest cat you'll ever meet, he's not the smartest fella and he's a big scaredy cat. Anyone have any tricks for finding lost cats?

This one has me in stitches...

So you all know my obsession with silhouettes lately. I came across this one and fell head over heels. It was made by a friend's coworker, but I'm sure you could find something similar on Etsy:

It's times like these that I wish I were more domestic (and had more time on my hands). Or just that I had a sweet and crafty coworker. If you'd like to see more of this nursery, check it out over on Once a Miss Now a Queen.

Friday Favorites

 Deliciously colorful inspiration photos over on Hudson&Co.

This post that Jenny of Little Green Notebook wrote about a topic I dwell on quite a bit when decorating my own home.

Super cute and creative birthday invitations in a box (I can't believe I will begin planning Violet's first birthday party soon!)

Adorable idea that I would totally steal if only I had 'baby shoes' for Violet. So far she's had one pair of shoes (at Christmas) and she kicked them off within five minutes:

Something that I haven't had to use at home yet but that I use all of the time at work - the awesomely terrifyingly amazing power of counting to three.

Nicole's gorgeous design board for her new basement half-bath.

Time magazine's All-Time 100 Greatest Toys - Legos and Magic 8 Balls, Trolls and Lite Brite - tons of great picks that take me back to my childhood.

Pink + purple = love. I'm planning to use this color combo in our back room and love the way it was used in this children's space.

What's black and white and has toys all over it?

Our new rug of course! As you can see the new rug has Violet's blessing:

It seems that the rug has Charlie's stamp of approval as well:

Now we need to add some color! Pillows, curtains, and accessories here we come. We also need a new side table (the black one is temporary - I'm thinking natural wood to add a little life to the space) And stay tuned for our newest addition to the space...I'm really excited about it!

Giveaway Winner


The winner of the Sadie Ryan keepsake tile giveaway is Randi of Book Flashlight Tree! Congratulations and thanks to our sponsor, Sadie Ryan Keepsake Tiles for the fabulous giveaway.

Vidya's Kitchen

Recently, Vidya wrote to me about her kitchen. She was looking for a contemporary and colorful space with a Mediterranean flair. This was my first kitchen idea board so I was very excited to work on it! Here's what I came up with:

Accent Tile - Clay Imports
Turkish Pots - PotteryBarn
Decorative Tray - Etsy seller uberCasa
Decorative Box - Etsy seller SaveThePlanet
Dish Towels - Crate & Barrel
Rug - West Elm
Flower Pot - Amazon
Chandelier - Overstock
Roman Shade Fabric - Calico Corners
Knobs - Home Depot

Calling All Fabric Connoisseurs

I've fallen in love with this purple and silver linen that I came across on Etsy:

Unfortunately the seller has no idea who makes this fabric, and so far I've had no luck in my search - any fabric connoisseurs out there who can tell me where I can find it?

Violet - Nine Months

I've missed a couple of Violet's monthly posts, and now I'm regretting it. At the time I was overwhelmed by life, incredibly exhausted, and so anxious about Violet's health that I couldn't bring myself to write about it. Now that the whirlwind of weaning, worrying, and waking every couple of hours at night is long gone, I'm wishing I had pushed myself to write about the special things that happened in her life in months seven and eight. Although I don't have a time machine, I've decided that I can still pick up where I left off and start fresh, so here is a little about Violet's ninth month of life:

You've been through a lot, baby. A lot of doctors, a lot of needles, a lot of tests and poking a prodding. You've gone from nursing to bottle feeding; from breastmilk to prescription formula; from the 94th percentile to the 9th and back to the 25th; from staying at home with your mama to spending the day with your babysitter. But through all of the craziness and confusion your spirits have not been dampened; your smile has not dimmed. You are still our feisty, curious, happy little girl.

The last time I wrote about you, I talked about how you'd become a social butterfly. And although you spread your wings for a couple of months, lately you've gone back to being a bit of a mama's girl. You like to look at other people, but mostly from a distance in the safe confines of my arms. Who needs the gym when I've got you, love? We certainly can't blame you - you now only get to see your mama on evenings and weekends, so our time together has become extra precious. The Moby wrap has become one of our best friends lately. We get to be close to one another and your mama has her hands free to attempt to keep the house (semi) clean.

When you aren't in my arms, you can now sit up on your own no problem. Your days of wobbling and toppling over are mostly gone. Instead of lunging for your favorite toys, you now reach for them carefully and deliberately (at least most of the time). Although you've mastered sitting, it isn't your favorite thing to do lately. You now want to STAND, and stand you do. You are pulling yourself up on anything you can grab ahold of - couches, toys - if it's the right height look out!

Diaper changing is done exclusively on the floor these days, as you've decided it's not for you. Squirming, screaming, and thrashing have all become party of the game. Sometimes you can be distracted by a toy or daddy's goofy faces, but you pick up on our ploys all too quickly. You're one smart cookie - that's for sure.

We can't believe how much you've grown and the little person you're turning into. We're realizing that very soon you won't be our little squishy baby any more - you'll be a walking, talking toddler. We've been trying to soak up all of your sweet baby goodness while we can. Speaking of talking, your favorite word this month is definitely 'Bah'. Everything is bah bah bah with a few hey's and hi's thrown in there for good measure. We've been trying to turn those bah's into mamamama's and dadadada's to no avail. In one breath we lament that you're growing too fast, and in the next we're trying to hurry you along - silly us!

I wouldn't be surprised if your first word wasn't mama or dada, but cat! Although you were interested in your furry friends before, now you are absolutely in love with them. The sight of a swishing tail or pointy ear sends you into a blur of panting, kicking, arm-pumping excitedness. We've been trying to teach you to be gentle with Charlie and Moe, but you love them so much you just want to grab them and squeeze as hard as you can. So far they've been very good sports about it with only a warning swat here and there.

You have two teeth now (bottom front) and more on their way. Although you can't have any oral teething medication (baby acetaminophen sent you to the hospital), you've been a tough cookie through all of the drooling, chewing, and discomfort that comes along with teething. Someday we hope that you can put those little white razors to good use, but for now you like to chew on rubber duckies, mommy and daddy's fingers, and wooden side tables.

In spite of any teething pain, you've become an AMAZING sleeper. You go down easily for naps - both at home and at the babysitter's and have fallen into a daily routine. At night time you usually go right to sleep without much of a fuss. Although sometimes you wake once to eat at night (who can blame you - nine months and still no solids for you!), gone are the sleepless nights that you and your mama used to endure. Many nights you sleep for 11-12 hours without a peep, waking in the morning a happy and rested little girl.

We're so excited to see what next month brings (crawling? walking?), but for now we're going to soak up each precious moment we have with the baby that you are now. We love you our resilient, sweet, happy little girl - happy nine months! xo, Mommy & Daddy

Holy Mackerel!


You guys are awesome! Thanks for the votes - we're back from number 200 to number 36 the last I checked. You can vote once per day if you are so inclined!


Happy weekend!


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