A Lazy Day at the Lagoon

On our second day down unda, we visited a lagoon about five minutes from the H-House:

There were beautiful paths all through the lagoon - perfect for viewing the foliage and wildlife:

(Click to make larger)

The birds and flowers were beautiful and exotic to us 'Seppos' as they call Americans here - something to do with the saying, 'Yank, Yank, septic tank'? LOL - not a good thing to be called that's for sure! It's all in good fun though.

A little drained from the sun, the walk, and jet lag, we went back to the house for some R&R:

As you can see, my sister created another painting for her pool room - a giant Roy Lichtenstein with a favorite phrase of her and her Aussie friends - 'Epic Fail!' (Perfect for the pool table when you screw up royally.)

And while the rest played, my mom and aunt were hard at work teaching my sister how to make a favorite home recipe - Pennsylvania Dutch chicken pot pie. She missed some of our home dishes:

It's not actually a pie, but you do make it in a pot! I was too hungry to think to take a photo of the actual dish, so here's is one from the blog of a friend of mine - Kelly from Kelly Cooks (and Other Amazing Feats):

Thanks Kelly - it looks delicious! And we finished the meal with Cape Breton Oat Cakes and tea:

They are kind of like shortbread cookies but infinitely more delicious. We made ours from scratch, but if you're not that ambitious you can order something similar here. And with our tummies full and jet lag tugging at our eyelids, we turned in for our second night at the H-House.

And here are our recipes for those curious and hungry people out there:

Pennsylvania Dutch Chicken Pot Pie

  • 4 bone-in chicken split breasts
  • Chicken Boullion
  • Potatoes
  • 2C Flour
  • 2 Eggs
  • Salt
  • Pepper

  • In a large pot, cover chicken with water and cook until tender
  • Cut potatoes into large chunks
Begin making pot pie dough:
  • Mix flour, eggs, and salt & pepper (to taste)
  • Add water and stir with a fork until proper consistency (a little sticky)
  • Spread flour on work surface and roll out dough
  • Cut dough into squares
  • Add chicken boullion to chicken broth
  • Remove chicken from bone
  • Add potatoes and chicken to the pot and bring to a boil
  • Slowly add dough squares to the pot
  • Cook all until potatoes are tender

Cape Breton Oat Cakes

  • 3 cups flour
  • 3 cups rolled oats
  • 1 cups white sugar
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1.5 cups shortening
  • 3/4 cup cold water

  • Combine rolled oats, flour, sugar, salt, and soda.
  • Work in shortening as if for pastry
  • Moisten with water and knead to combine
  • Roll dough out thing using rolled oats and flour on the board
  • Cut into squares using a sharp knife
  • Score each square in the center
  • Bake on ungreased sheet in 350 degree oven for about 15 minutes
  • Enjoy!


  1. Thanks for the recipes. I was hoping you'd post the oatcakes. I'll need to try these soon.



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