Special Delivery!

Our first piece of furniture for our little one is here - our Jenny Lind crib:

Love it! Inexpensive, the perfect fit for our small space, classic, and safe. Thanks to Babies R Us for free shipping and letting us use a promo code. Can't wait til the nursery remodel is finished so that we can set it up.

I'm sure we'll be buying and registering for a lot more baby items soon, the big ultrasound is right around the corner and my belly is grooooooowing...

And speaking of growing - I can't believe how much my hair has grown in TWO weeks! Looks like those prenatal vitamins are really working. Note to self: Schedule an appoint for a hair cut!


  1. ooo cool "time lapse" pics!!!

  2. Wow LOVE the photos of you! The Baby H bump is adorable!

  3. Ohh I love the crib! I've been obsessed with it. and I'm not even pregnant.

  4. Wow LOVE the photos of you! The Baby H bump is adorable!



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