Style: Finding Focus

Now that I can fit back into my non-maternity clothing, I'm finding there isn't much I'm really in love with. The problem is that when I go shopping, I feel like I'm all over the place - I've never felt that fashion was my forte. There are a lot of things cluttering up my closet and dresser drawers, but I'm not good at buying pieces that work well with other pieces - in other words, creating a wardrobe.

One of my more fashionable friends suggested that I find inspiration photos to help to focus things a bit. What a genius idea! I do this with home inspiration photos - why not with clothing? So I did a little web-browsing and here's what I've come up with:

So based on these photos, here's what I'm going to look for on my next shopping trip:
  • Solid neutrals - blacks, grays, tans, muted blues
  • Texture - tweeds, suedes, and the like
  • Comfort.
  • Thin belts
  • Classic pieces
Sounds like I'm kind of boring - I guess I'm not avant garde in any way shape or form, but I think this is me. And the good thing is, I think many of these looks will stand the test of time. I don't have the cash to be buying a new wardrobe every time the trends change, that's for sure.

Now to clean out the stuff that I never wear and ship it off to the Salvation Army!

Images via:
Filippa K
Jigsaw London


  1. I don't think they are boring. They look super sophisticated and classy. You could always add a little bling too!



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