Supermom: Abbey Hendrickson of Aesthetic Outburst

Abbey Hendrickson - Aesthetic Outburst

Today's Supermom is Abbey Hendrickson of Aesthetic Outburst! Abbey is currently renovating a beautiful farmhouse that is over a century old, runs an Etsy shop full of beautiful handmade creations, is a mother to two adorable and creative children, and somehow still finds time to write inspiring posts on her blog every day. Read on to find out how on Earth she does it all...

I used to work at a museum and a co-worker introduced me to blogs. I started my own, thinking it would be great motivation to make art and document my experiences as a parent. Almost five years later, I’m still doing both of those things, but Aesthetic Outburst has taken on a life of it’s own.  

Our kids are interesting, creative people and, as simple as it may sound, I really just enjoy being with them every day. I love the sound of their laughter, the giant stories that they both tell, the drawings they make, etc. For me, the little moments have been the most rewarding part of motherhood.   

The most difficult thing about being a parent is when something happens to one of them; if they’re hurt, I’m hurt. Feeling this connected to two other human beings can be terrifying at times.

Besides costumes, these are the most consistently popular toys at our house:
3. Vintage Fisher Price buildings (etsy and ebay are good sources)

Here are three things on my wish-list:

Honestly, I don’t and I don’t condone trying to. I often catch myself trying to juggle everything, but it just never seems to work at our house. What does work for our family? Constantly making lists, trying to keep our priorities in check, and allowing ourselves to say NO to people.   

Trust your instincts, ask for help when you need it, and be kind to yourself.

My friend Alisia is a mother whom I particularly admire. She’s brilliant, thoughtful, interesting, and incredibly supportive. She has two amazing kids and has always encouraged them to be who they want to be. That they’re both so happy, sweet, and well adjusted is a testament to Alisia’s supermom talents.  

Wow, thank you so much to Abbey for your insightful thoughts on motherhood. Motherhood is wonderful and beautiful, but it can be so scary at times to care so much about another person. If you haven't already discovered Abbey's blog, check it out here, and view her amazing shop here.



  1. whoo hoo! i have been an aesthetic outburst reader for a very long time {small world!} so it's nice to see a little bit more into who Abbey is! :D

  2. I love the Fisher Price record player and can still remember playing with that when I was young. FP has reissued this toy along with a few other classics for an anniversary edition - I've seen them at Barnes & Noble and Target. Abbey's before and afters of their home are amazing!!



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