Little Style: Easter [Boys]


hat, shirt, flip flops, shorts, shoes

And while I don't have a little boy of my own, here are a few adorable Easter outfits that I would choose for a little guy. Bow ties and suspenders?! They get me every time. I mean, you only have a small window of time before they just want to roll out of bed and grab the closest t-shirt and pair of jeans, right?


  1. Love these! Looks 1, 2 and 3 are super cute and I just may have to recreate one for my son next month. Thanks for scouting out the styles!

  2. Thanks for sharing these boys looks. Love your choices!

  3. Love these too! Will have to keep in mind for Baby H :)

  4. I just found your blog and I am so happy I did. Love it.

  5. Eep! I want all of these for my son. They're so gorgeous. He is eight now and it an be so hard to find more than graphic T's! But, I thrift my little heart out for his sake. <3



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