Two Year Photos


We were unexpectedly able to get some two-year-old photos of Violet while we were in Australia. My sister set up a family and newborn photo shoot with the lovely Candice Van Moolenbroek and she generously let us get a few photos of just the three of us. I'm so happy with how they turned out! The one of Violet kissing her daddy just killlls me. Thank you Candice for capturing our little family so beautifully!

xo, Lauren

P.S. You can see our one year photos taken by the amazing Megyn Barroner here and here.


  1. Awww these are precious! I love them all, but the first one of Violet is so adorable! She has the sweetest little face!

  2. oh wow, they are so beautiful. i love them all!

  3. What lovely pictures! You have such a beautiful family! Xx

  4. You have a gorgeous family! Loving the warmth in these photos



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