Violet Says Vol. 3


Violet-isms from recent times:

1. As he was watching the news, Kevin said in response to a comment made by the reporter, "That isn't true!" to which Violet looked at him very seriously and replied, "Yes is true Daddy!"

2. While Kevin was putting Violet to bed she wanted to name the seven dwarfs from Snow White. They went through the list, "Dopey, Sneezy, Bashful, Happy, Doc, Grumpy, and Sleepy...and Violet added, "and Poo-pah!"

3. As Kev was leaving Violet's room after putting her to bed tonight he said, "Night night sweetie!" and got in reply, "Goo'night sweedie!"

4. Our mail comes through a slot in the door. Violet saw some mail sticking in the slot the other day and ran over and said, "May-yull!!! Oh my GAWSH!"

5. We were Skyping with Violet's Opa and "Nam" (Grandmom) who are in Florida for the winter, and Violet suddenly pulled up my shirt, pointed, and said, "My baby sista in thayuh - Mommy's belly gettin' bidduh and bidduh and BIDDUH!!!"

6. Violet's been doing really well with going to bed without crying for the past week or two, but one night we did have some tears. When I went up to put her back to bed she said to me, "Mommy - my baby sista be heeyuh soon - I be verwy quiet. No wate her up!"

Oh how I love this little girl. xo, Lauren

P.S. The winner of the Dolce Dreams giveaway is KristinainAustin - please email me at ALovelyLark at gmail dot com to claim your prize. Thank you to everyone who entered! xo, Lauren


  1. "Oh my GAWSH!" How precious!! Love this :)

  2. I love reading these and I don't even have any kids. She is so darn cute!

  3. As someone who loves kids and wants to be a teacher, I always love these kinds of posts. Kids definitely saw the cutest things and Violet is no exception!



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