Favorite Parenting Links Lately


1. Sounds like a typical conversation with my oldest child :)

2. Stop comparing, start doing what works for you and your family - LOVE this.

3. I am a f/t wohm—Work Outside the Home Mom—have a career, and I don’t feel smart or interesting anymore! I don’t talk about soccer or coupons, but just feel too tired to talk about anything that interesting. Wow, I could have written this one myself - often how I feel in social situations these days, especially when I'm with friends who aren't mamas.

4. Adorably hilarious.

5. Birth stories from two of my favorite blogger mamas - sweet little Smith and cutie pie Charlie.

P.S. You can follow us on Instagram @alovelylark

P.P.S. Favorite parenting links from June and July and Lucy's birth story.


  1. thanks for sharing these! i totally know what you mean about talking to girlfriends that don't have little ones. i usually use this as an excuse to get them to talk about their dating lives... which are typically pretty fascinating. :)

    1. I know I generally end up just listening too (and living vicariously through their single gal/child free stories), but I still just feel so boring sometimes! :)



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