Christmas Forest Advent Calendar - Free Printable


We are trying to keep things fun and cheap here at the H-Haus this holiday season, so I decided to make our own advent calendar in lieu of buying a lot of decorations. It'll be a great display on a TV stand, console, or mantel and a fun activity for Violet (and someday for Lucy too!) I actually got the idea from some old paper party hats we had, but they weren't the right colors, so I decided to trace them and make my own version. Then we printed them out, decorated the "trees", and folded and taped everything together and voila! Cheap (and inexpensive) Christmas fun!

I've included the files for you all as a free printable as well, just download, print, decorate, and assemble - it's pretty self-explanatory but if you have any q's I'm happy to help! We used dot stickers (left over from our raid-your-craft-stash gift wrap last year) and a gold paint pen to decorate our trees, but you could leave them plain too and they'd look just as pretty. To put them together I used packing tape because it's a lot stronger than regular tape and easier to work with than glue. I printed some on a thick textured paper which looked really pretty - almost like watercolor, but I ran out and printed the rest on regular printer paper and that worked just fine as well. You can hide little gifts under each cone and in the packages, then lift up the cone on the appropriate day - easy peasy :) Downloads available after the jump!

Large Tree
Small Trees
Red Numbers
Brown Numbers

Just click on the links above and each image will come up. Then right click and save or drag to your desktop and print! Please keep in mind this is for personal use only - thanks so much! xo, Lauren

P.S. Free Printable Dress-Up Paper Turkey and Free Printable Haunted House


  1. I love this! Can you also post just a plain tree shape that I can cut out of Scrapbook paper? We are low on colored ink after printing a bunch of photos?

    1. Great idea Katy! I'll put one up as soon as I get a chance!

  2. this is just the cutest! love the shapes and the overall aesthetic - thanks for sharing, lauren! ^__^

  3. I would suggest just buying green bday party hats & then decorating those!!!!



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