My sister and her family recently visited us from Australia for a few weeks (hence my lack of blogging - I was too busy squeezing my nephew!), and she recently sent over some photos that she took during the trip. Here are a few of my favorites:
Violet was immediately smitten with her cousin - they've met twice since he's been born and have interacted a lot on Skype (thank goodness for technology!) She was all about smothering him with snuggles, cuddles, and hugs :) He wasn't so sure about all of that cuddliness, but dealt with it pretty well I think! Lucy greatly appreciated the break from Violet's constant hugs and kisses at any rate :)
Now they're back safe and sound in Australia and we're missing them terribly. And I still can't believe that I'm going to have a second nephew come December that I won't get to squeeze in person until they visit again! If only someone would invent teleportation (or make the airfare from east coast U.S. to Australia about a thousand times cheaper!) I'm just thankful we live in the age of technology - I don't know how anyone was able to be this far away from close family before the advent of video chatting, Facebook, and Instagram. Does anyone else have a niece or nephew that you haven't been able to meet in person? How do you deal?!
P.S. Aren't her photos so gorgeous! It makes me long for a real camera instead of my iPhone. Alas, also not in the budget!
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