Fall Faves for Lucy


I've been shopping for some new clothing for Lucy this weekend - she's so tall (off the charts!) for her age that most of Violet's old clothes don't fit her (sad face). Luckily there are some really great sales this weekend that I'm talking advantage of! I always like to have a pack of Boden's fab tights and LOVE their warm, cozy, comfy knit cardigans and dresses. I never shop there unless there is a sale (a little pricey for my budget), but they are seriously staple pieces for the girls' wardrobes that they wear constantly in the cold months. They have a 20% off everything sale going on right now, so I snapped some pieces up for Lucy.

As far as cute budget pieces I love Carters (25% off right now!), Old Navy (30% off right now!), and H&M Kids (Free Shipping!). Here are a few of my current faves:

Old Navy:
Heart Tunic Top
Stripey Tights
Fox Tights
Cozy Cord Dress

Floral Jeggings
Corduroy Jeggings
Polka Dot Poplin Top

H&M Kids:
Skinny Fit Jeans
Floral Top

Now to work on Violet - I swear these kids need to stop growing! I miss the days when I could buy clothes for myself! xo, Lauren


  1. I have been thinking about those teeny cardigans for over a week now, wondering if there's a knitting pattern I could use to make something similar for my daughter. There probably is, but I might just go ahead and buy one so she can wear it sooner!



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