Magazine Monster

While clearing out the clutter in my house, I realized my magazine and catalog collection may have gotten a bit out of control. Home magazines are one of the few things that are very difficult for me to part with. I use them for inspiration and perusing them just makes me happy. But, as evidenced in this photo, it was time:

In the basket is my magazine collection. In the foreground of the shot is the hubster's. One area where my stuff > his stuff.

So I decided to undertake the difficult task of hunting down the dinosaurs of the group, ripping out my favorite pages and articles (Ouch! Sorry friends), and starting an inspiration binder. My own personalized magazine! The ones that don't get hacked to pieces will take a trip to my dentist's office this Wednesday for others to enjoy pre-polishing.

The tools:

Sheet protectors, standard 3-ring binder, scissors - time to slay the magazine monster!

Reduced to a manageable pile of home inspiration.


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