Moe's Home!

Yes, that's right - the prodigal son has returned!!! Thank you so much for all of the advice.

We called animal control, left Moe's description and circled the house and neighborhood a few times before heading off for our date night. We had debated staying home, but it's very rare that the two of us go out and we didn't want to miss it. Upon our return we walked up to the house, and there on the side porch was Moe - curled up on the doormat looking at us like, where have you been!? We were SO happy to have him back and I didn't even mind that he took up most of the bed last night (seriously how does a cat take up so much space???).

We think that someone probably took him in for the day due to his pathetic-ness (he can whine like a banshee), because he didn't seem at all hungry or thirsty when he got home. (And I highly doubt that he...caught any wild game shall we say, as he is more of a lover than a fighter and isn't exactly stealthy.) What his real adventures were I guess that we'll never know, but we're very happy to have our little family of five back together! Thanks again!!!


  1. So glad he found his way home!! How dare you not be there waiting anxiously for him, the nerve ;)

  2. awww, yay! I'm so glad he made it back safe and sound. We've had a scare like this a couple of times, and I was a mess.

  3. I'm so glad he is back! make sure you check he didn't bring any buglets with him

  4. I'm so glad he is back! make sure you check he didn't bring any buglets with him



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