And then she was two...


You woke up this morning, and as I lifted you out of the crib I told you, 'Happy birthday sweetheart. Today is the day you were born.' It's hard to believe two years have gone by since the day we first held you in our arms. You are the best thing that ever happened to us, little one! You make every day exciting, fresh, beautiful.

I'll always remember the look on your face this morning when we sang happy birthday to you. It was a look of pure delight. It's the little things that thrill you - a stack of fresh pancakes, a couple of candles, and a song. (And, of course, your 'Lulie' by special request).

I hope your birthday morning was perfect my love. Have a wonderful, beautiful, happy day! I can't wait to see your shining face when you walk in the door and say, "Mooooommmmeeeeee" this afternoon. It's always the best part of my day.

xo, your mama


  1. So sweet!! Happy Birthday Violet!

  2. Ahhhh she is so sweet! I started following your blog right about the time she was born. It's hard to believe that was two years ago! Happy Birthday Violet!

  3. Happy birthday to our sweet little girl. We love you SOOO much!!!! xoxo Love, Aunt Nikki & Uncle Dan

  4. Ahh! Love the pictures. Happy Birthday to Violet!



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