Violet Loves


1. Little Bluck Truck by Alice Schertle Illustrated by Jill McElmway
She calls this her 'Muddy Muddy book'. She loves everything about it - the farm animals, the little blue truck, the Dump, and the fact that every gets muddy muddy!

2. We're Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen Illustrated by Helen Oxenbury
Any book with a family and she's sold. Violet loves to list everyone - "Mommy, Daddy, boy, dirl, baby, woof woof!" She loves the beautiful pictures, the sounds (swishy swashy, swishy swashy!) and repetition of the writing, and of course the fact that everyone gets "muddy muddy!" And then there's the exciting race back to the house at the end of the book. She gets a little sad that they don't let the bear in, but then I explain to her that he's going home to his Mommy and Daddy and all is well in the world.

3. Ladybug Girl at the Beach by Jacky Davis and David Soman
Another book with a family, and this time the girl has ladybug wings! She loves the beautiful pictures, the rescue of the bucket, and the fact that people sleep in this book. It's a bit long for a two-year-old so she doesn't always want me to read the whole thing, but she looooves making up her own little stories.

4. There's an Alligator Under My Bed by Mercer Mayer
She loves the 'gaduh' in this book. Especially when his eye is peeking out from under the bed. ('Mommy, eye!'). She loves it when the little boy calls for his "Mommeeee, Daddeeeeeeee!" and when he "shhh hide!". A favorite bedtime read for sure.

What books does your little one love?   xo, Lauren


  1. We picked up 1 & 2 last week and Sae is already in love with them both. I have been wanting to grap ladybug girl for a while and just might take the leap.

    Sae loves books but right now we are loving Princess and the Pig, Not all princesses wear pink, and lost and found (anything by Oliver jerrers really).

  2. Those look great. I'm going to have to save this post for later. My almost sixteen-month-old prefers short and sweet books at this point; the fewer words, the better! Ha!

  3. My daughter loves Little Blue Truck too, but we don't have the other 3 - I'll have to check these out.

  4. I read Little Blue Truck to my little guy about every other night. :) He loves it!

  5. These are great. :) Lucia loves Goodnight Gorilla and the Bean books by Sarah Hines Stephenson (about a little black cat and a baby.)



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