Friday Favorites


My absolute favorite thing this week? Spending ENTIRE DAYS outside with my favorite little person. The weather has been perfection - a light breeze, warm but not hot temperatures, and no humidity. The teepee has been our second home - we've been reading books, having picnics, breathing in the fresh air, and doing a lot of snuggling.

And in the online universe this stuff isn't so bad either...

Totally making the DIY pom pillow in this tutorial.

Pretty amazing stairway before + after

A pretty picnic basket that you can make yourself.

Completely in love with Anna Spiro's new line of wallpapers for Porter's Paints.

Lovely printable wedding table numbers

I want this bathroom. Or really any room with Julia Rothman's wallpaper for Hygge & West.

Love this addition to Nicole's living room. If I had a place for the larger size of the botanical print I would totally own it myself. I'll just have to stick with my mini version for now.

Violet would spend hours in this (okay maybe half an hour which in toddler time is like an eternity). But still.

Super cool dollhouse. The wallpaper tree - gasp!

Tips for traveling with a toddler. Thanks Jen - I'm going to need all the help I can get! Looking forward to part two.

How is it that Liz is always so right on? Re: Your Child is Not Special

This has to be hands down the most beautiful baby shower I have ever seen.

Every woman wants a man who loves her this much. So much that a post about his birthday turns into a love letter to her. [Kevin if you ever decide to start up a blog make sure it's full of lots of this gushy stuff.]

Happy weekend! xo, Lauren

P.S. You can follow me on Instagram @withtwocats


  1. Sounds like you are having the perfect week and perfect weather! So glad you have a few months at home with Violet! Yay for summer!!

  2. Where did you get the teepee? Looks perfect for little ones!



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