Raid-Your-Craft-Stash Gift Wrap

This year I decided to try not to buy any new supplies with which to wrap our gifts (other than some kraft paper) and instead trim down my leftover craft supply stash. Pretty much every present ended up being a little different, but I tried to stick with a general color theme so it didn't get to crazy. I made some yarn pom poms, used up some leftover tissue paper fringe from my DIY 'confetti system' ornaments, and a few extra felted wool balls from the garland I made for our mantel as well.

I also found a few other random things - some dot stickers, printer paper (for snowflakes), ribbon, string, washi tape, doilies, and white paint. Then I went to work while I watched A White Christmas (one of my favorites!) on TV and munched on Christmas cookies. I tried to use  a lot of red and blue for Violet's because whenever anyone asked Violet what she wants for Christmas she says, "Pwesents." And if they ask her what kind of presents she says, "Wed, boo - my fav-it!" (Red and blue - my favorite!) She'll probably like my mom's gift wrap better (red and blue Sesame street gift wrap), but I had fun making ours. :)

P.S. I used these free printable gift tags


  1. Cute! I would love receiving a gift that looked like those! :)

  2. oh my. your holiday wrap makes me happy. so festive. so adorable!

  3. That's too cute that a little girl named Violet likes red and blue, because those two colors make the color violet!

  4. Whoop whoop! I altogether dear your gift! the primary time somebody asked ME wherever i purchase the headscarf become an extended, difficult answer as i attempted to clarify the entire issue.
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