Something To from Jess Craig


I'm happy to welcome the lovely Jess Craig of irocksowhat for today's guest post! Jess is a super-inspirational mama who tells it like it is. I think that sometimes blogs can be a little too sugarcoated, but Jess just feels, well, real. She's open and candid about motherhood, her weight loss journey, and how she manages to look completely gorgeous day in and day out - I mean, those eyebrows! But I digress. Here are Jess's fun and fresh picks, thanks so much for sharing them with us! xo, Lauren

make: lit campfire
wear: small skivvies
live: golden toadstool lamp
read: The Down and Dirty Guide to Camping with Kids
play: bearded folk man dolls


  1. Those small skivvies are now on my list of the cutest things I've ever seen. Ordering now. (By the way, I just discovered this blog through Baby Space. Love it!)



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