Violet Says Vol. 6

1. When we went to the doctor's office for Lucy's weight check, the doctor asked Violet, "So who's this  - your new baby sister?" Violet said, "Yes, her name baby Lucy. She my baby sistuh. She eats milk from Mommy's nickels!" And yanked down my shirt.

Needless to say, we had to have a little conversation about privacy after that visit :)

2. Violet: Mommy, why do we take baths?
Me: So we're not stinky
Violet: Yeah, I don't want my eyes be stinky!

 Because, you know, it's really important that we have fresh smelling eyes...

3.The other day she saw a photo of herself where she wasn't smiling and said, "Why I not cheesin', Mommy?"

4. My mom has pretty much all of the old Disney movies and likes to introduce Violet to new ones every now and then when she keeps her overnight. After one sleepover Violet came home and told me that she got to watch a new movie at Nonny's house. I asked her which one she watched, and she matter-of-factly replied, "Poopahontas."

And then I died.

5. Violet has an interactive stuffed animal called My Pal Violet. The other day we were sitting on the couch and she was playing with it and it asked her, "Who's your best friend?" And she instantly yelled, "MOMMY!!!"

Best. moment. ever. I love being a mom!

Also, a special shout-out to my family members who have served our country, past and present - my cousins Don, Shanna, Justin, and Tim, my Uncle Tim, my brother-in-law Randy, and my Papaw. Happy Memorial Day - we appreciate your sacrifice! xo, Lauren

(Above photo: Violet trying out a new napping method. It didn't work out.)


  1. Every bit of this post is priceless. She is so hilarious! Thanks goodness you are documenting all of this ~ my husband reminded me of something wacky my daughter used to say when she was a toddler and I had plumb forgotten all about it!

  2. Looks like Violet was trying to replicate the print you had in your last post... with the addition of a box, of course :)

  3. Um, OH M GOSH. Keep these posts FOREVER. So precious and perfect. I love the mind of a toddler! Hahaha. xo



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