Well Hello There!

Sorry for the lack of posts lately - we've been busy soaking up the last few days of summer, painting like crazy people in the kitchen for our Apartment Therapy Style cure, and enjoying the smiles and snuggles of our two little ladies. So in lieu of a real post, here are some pretty pictures for y'all:

Lots more over on Instagram! xo, Lauren


  1. Follower, never comment, but your daughters are just adorable! Thanks for sharing your life : )

  2. Please tell me where I can find those gorgeous floral prints you have taped to the wall by your back door. I'm in love! They look like Rifle Paper Co. but I haven't seen anything like that on their website.

    1. They are by Rifle Paper Co., but they're from a calendar from last year I think? Sorry I can't be more helpful!



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