25+ Sweet (but Sugar-Free) Easter Gifts for Kids

I have nothing against a little candy on holidays, but I like to fill Violet's Easter basket with other things too. Here are over 25 of my favorite alternatives to the sugary stuff:

1. Rainbow Stacker
2. Flower Jump Rope
3. Colored Pencils
4. Egg Shaker
5. Bunny Bag
6. Beeswax Crayons
7. Silly Putty
8. Pinky High-Bounce Ball
9. Paint Your Own Bunny
10. Eggling Crack and Grow Plant
11. Boon Odd Ducks Rubber Duckies
13. Ant Farm
14. Wooden Sailboat
15. Blabla Wooly the Sheep
16. Bubbles
17. Play-Doh Eggs


  1. Love the great ideas! We're stocked up on classic Little Golden Books and fun art supplies for my girl's Easter basket but I may have to grab that cool egg plant!

    Also, and totally off-topic, I was curious if you could point me in the right direction of how to make the inspiration board like above? Thanks, xo!

    1. Hi Kristy! For smaller roundups I tend to use Pages with the Instant Alpha feature because it's a little faster, but for more complex images or larger roundups I use Photoshop. Basically you gather your images, copy and paste them into your program, edit out the background, and arrange them in an eye-catching way. Hope that helps a little! :)



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