8 Favorite Toddler Beds

A-Lovely-Lark-Favorite-Toddler-BedsI'll admit that I originally thought that toddler beds were a complete waste of money - why have an extra piece of furniture that your child will quickly outgrow when you can go straight to a twin bed? But then we made the switch with Violet and I changed my tune. She just didn't feel comfortable at all in a big, tall twin. As soon as we purchased her little toddler bed from IKEA you could instantly see her relax and get excited about the prospect of a big girl bed for the first time. While it may not be for everyone, if your kid is anything like mine you will be in need of one of these pint-sized life savers, so here are eight of my favorites:

1. Kalon Studios Caravan Divan Toddler Bed: $595
2. RH Baby & Child Tate Toddler Bed: $399
3. IKEA SUNDVIK Toddler Bed: $149
4. Oeuf Classic Toddler Bed: $648
5. Land of Nod Jenny Lind Toddler Bed: $399
6. IKEA OVRE Toddler Bed: $139
7. Kalon Studios Echo Toddler Bed: $1045
8. Ados & Co Handmade Massive Lime Junior Bed: $845

We went with the IKEA SUNDVIK for Violet because we loved the look AND the price, but if I had a little more wiggle room in the budget I probably would have sprung for the Tate or Jenny Lind toddler bed. The others are way out of our price range, but they're oh-so-pretty! The other thing I like about the toddler bed is that when Violet does finally outgrow it, it will fit quite nicely in our tiny nursery. So how did it go for you? Did you kid go straight to the twin or did you need a transition piece? I'm hoping that the big girl bed transition goes a little smoother for Lucy when the time comes! xo, Lauren


  1. Hi Lauren, just tried to take a stab at your email address but it bounced back. Would you mind contacting me? This is pretty funny. I just did this same post on my blog.http://www.lexandliv.com/2014/03/stylish-convertibles-crib-to-bed.html

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. teeny tiny beds, so cute! We lucked out and Shelby went straight from the toddler version of the crib to the full size bed (we had a crib that converted for 3 stages). I am hoping we have the same luck with Nathan!

  4. Our daughter has a teeny-tiny room, so when it came time for her to move out of her crib, rather than take up more floor space with a twin bed we moved in the opposite direction. There was a decently-sized, built-out closet that we didn't really use enough to justify it taking up precious floor space, so when my father-in-law graciously offered to custom build a toddler bed into the closet (which just so happened to be the exact same dimensions of her crib/crib mattress), we took him up on his offer. We've already gotten over a years use out of her awesome "fort bed" and hope to get at least one more. The great thing is that the bones of the closet weren't altered at all, so when it comes time to sell our house, we'll easily be able to hang the old closet doors back up.

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