Master Bedroom: Now You Have It, Now You Don't


In the last post I mentioned that we randomly ended up redoing our bedroom in the middle of trying to sell the house. It was a collaboration with Apartment Therapy and Sherwin Williams that was pitched to me, and it was too fun to turn down. I received a selection of bold, trendy paint colors to choose from for the walls, and it definitely took me outside of my comfort zone. While I love this color, I never would have picked it if it wasn't for this challenge. I would have chosen a much more toned-down, gray, probably even slightly lighter version of the color. But I'm so glad that AT and SW convinced me to make that leap of faith. The room felt like it had that zing that it was missing before. Kev and his dad also built me this amazing headboard, and I bought a new pillow and quilt for the bed.

The only thing I would probably do differently if I could have, would be to buy a new bed frame. We were (and are) still using a metal bed frame with a box spring and mattress, and the height of the bed really is a bit much for the space. I would have loved to have purchased a bed frame and gotten rid of the boxspring, but it just wasn't in the budget. Overall though I was really proud of the transformation and was super sad to leave this space. We got to sleep in it for probably about a month before moving out.

I absolutely adored having all of these beautiful roses in the space. Believe it or not they are grocery store flowers! They were having a sale on make-your-own bouquets and I got all of these beautiful fresh roses for a STEAL. It felt so romantic, I wish we could have them all of the time.

I also picked up a few cacti with those cute little flowers and buds on the tops (not sure what they're called exactly!) and I'm happy to say that they survived the trip to the new place. They're still blooming and I haven't killed them yet, so I'm definitely planning to continue to buy more succulents from now on!

I also wanted to rip out those sconces and take them with us. We got them on sale at Pottery Barn and it was great to have some extra lighting in the space. For the longest time we lived with a single table lamp (no ceiling lighting to speak of!) Let's just say seeing ourselves when we were getting ready in the morning was a challenge. Anyway, even though it's way after the fact, I really wanted to share these photos on the blog. Now I can't wait to get our new master bedroom together. Add it to the list... xo, Lauren


  1. Wow, I actually really love that color!! I'm like you - I stick to neutral colors for walls, but this looks great! What a fun project :)

  2. So lovely! That color is great and would probably feel pretty inspiring to wake up to every morning! We also installed wall sconces on either side of our bed (though simple ones from IKEA) and I absolutely love them. We are moving and I hope our renters appreciate them as much as I do.

    We recently ditched our bed rails and box spring for a steel frame from Amazon. It came in a box, unfolded and is AWESOME! Since you are skipping the box springs, you get ample storage space underneath (though maybe you have plenty in your beautiful new home) and overall, we are really happy with it.

    Again, lovely room and can't wait to see your updates to your new place!

  3. Is the quilt from Anthropologie?

    1. Yes! And it's actually really thick like a comforter/duvet. SO warm.

  4. Such a fresh and happy room! How did you make the headboard? I am looking to DIY a simple wood one similar to yours and would love details on how to do it. Thanks :)

    1. I'm not sure - my husband and father-in-law made it, but I can get some details from them and get back to you! :)



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