Nursery Bits + Pieces


I finally started working on updating the nursery for the new baby. It probably wasn't the best idea to wait until the third trimester - my energy has plummeted and I'm starting to get more and more uncomfortable. Luckily I'm not planning to do anything too labor intensive like repainting - just hoping to update some of the accessories. So far I've purchased this rug (20% off, hurray!) from West Elm, the sweet little bunny lamp by Egmont Toys, and Serena and Lily was nice enough to send over these gorgeous tassel drapes from their amazing new Spring collection. (By the way, today they're offering 20% off sitewide + free shipping!)

I'm currently working on creating some custom fabric for the crib bedding on Spoonflower - I just haven't been able to find anything ready-made that I really love - and on creating some DIY wall art and possibly a mobile for the space. Stay tuned! xo, Lauren


  1. so funny, i ordered the same curtains yesterday seconds after receiving the email from S&L! are they as cute in person as they are online?? we don't even know what we're having yet but have a hunch so hopefully we won't have to return them! lucky you getting them as a gift too!!

    1. Yes they are very cute in person! So happy to be able to use them :)



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