Kristi's Guest Bedroom

Recently, Kristi of Life with the Witmans asked me to design an idea board for her problematic guest room:

Hi Lauren,

We are first time home owners on a budget. We recently converted an office into a spare bedroom. We didn't have much to spend, so we worked with what we had. It is seriously lacking in style. I usually love coming up with design plans, but this room has me stumped. I'd like to come up with a design plan so that I can gradually start buying things (budget permitting) to give this room a makeover. Can you help?

Here's a blog post about the transformations this room has gone through. As you can see, this room is struggling to find its identity.

My style is a mix of classic and contemporary. I like clean lines, nothing too feminine. I love lighter soothing neutrals and natural textures. I don't think things that are too traditional.  My husband is also classic, but he likes the occasional rustic accent piece (without going overboard on a theme). My dream for this room to be a stylish yet tranquil and calming space for our guests to stay.

The dimensions are around 11' x 9' and there are two smallish windows. The room has original wood floors in a medium brown color. We currently have an Ikea Malm bed in red-brown wood tone. That has to stay. We also would like to keep our original wood-colored trim, if possible. I hope that doesn't limit paint choices too much. Everything else can go or change.

Thanks so much for your help, and I can't wait to see your ideas!    

Here is the original idea board I came up with using Kristi's IKEA Malm furniture:

Although Kristi really liked the idea board, I didn't quite nail her style on the first try. Also, her and her husband decided that maybe a different bed frame they owned would look better in the space. Here is the second idea board I came up with after talking to her more:

Kristi's Response:

Lauren -
Oh my gosh, it's beautiful! I liked the other one too but this one is perfect! I can't wait to show Rob and start budgeting to pick up the items. I REALLY like that wall art. I'm going to see if I might be able to make something like that on my own. Thanks again so much for your help. Design seems to come so easy for you! Have you ever considered pursuing a career in interior design?


I'm always so happy when I finally hit the nail on the head. Kristi made it easy with all of her great ideas and feedback. Thanks Kristi for giving me a great project to work on!

Sources Idea Board 1:

Bed Frame - IKEA
Duvet - West Elm
Paint – Behr Parmesan
Pear Vase Filler - Pottery Barn
Cord Pillow - cb2
Tan Pillow - Target
Rug - Overstock
Dresser -  IKEA
Mirrors - Pottery Barn
Nightstand - Target
Art -Design Public
Metal Panels - Macy's
Lamp - IKEA

Sources Idea Board 2:

Paint – Behr Parmesan
Tan Pillows - Target
Mirrors - Pottery Barn
Lamp - IKEA
Curtains - IKEA
Cream Dresser - JCPenney
Cream Accent Table - JCPenney
Bedding - IKEA
Wall Art -Ballard Designs
Throw - IKEA


  1. Yay! I love love love the design. I am hoping to pick up some new accessories this weekend. And I can't wait to get started on some new artwork. Thanks again for your help!

  2. Love the pillows you picked out in the last version.

  3. Yay! I love love love the design. I am hoping to pick up some new accessories this weekend. And I can't wait to get started on some new artwork. Thanks again for your help!



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