Nursery Construction Complete!

I'm so excited that the 'construction' aspects of the nursery are complete! Hardwood floors, beadboard, and trim have all been installed, and everything has been covered in a fresh coat of paint:

The only thing we did not get to finish is the window seat - it needs a new top. The hubster will be working on that this weekend, and we will be assembling and installing the furniture and curtains. Stay tuned and have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I can't wait to see the finished product. It looks great!

  2. I can't wait to see it either! I'm so excited that the hard stuff is finished and now we can do the fun stuff :)

  3. It looks great, Lauren! And I will put your beadboard tutorial to use ... some day!

  4. What a cute room! I love the window seat.



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