Stolen from Smonk You...

Before we found out if we were having a boy or a girl, a lot of people would guess according to old wives' tales. I found a great list of these on smonk you and thought I'd see if the old wives knew what they were talking about:

Short time to conceive = Girl
The baby's heartbeat was clocked at over 140 = Girl
According to the Chinese gender chart = Boy
I sleep on my left and right side = Boy or Girl
I feel nausea = Girl
I'm craving citrus = Girl
I am gaining weight = Girl
I'm breaking out a bit = Girl
I'm feeling clumsy (well, I've always felt clumsy) = Girl
Weight gain in my face = Girl
I'm craving salty stuff (I always crave salty stuff) = Boy
I'm moody = Girl
I'm carrying low = Boy
My hair has become thinner and dull = Girl

Grand total:
Girl = 10
Boy = 3
Indeterminate = 1

And of course, I'm having a girl! The funny thing is, when Kenny did this on his blog, he got 7 for a girl and 7 for a boy - 50/50. Even funnier, his baby's legs were crossed during the ultrasound, so him and his wife have no idea what they are having!

So maybe there is something to all of this old-wivery and tale-telling. I'd love to hear if this test worked for anyone else!


  1. Here's mine!

    Short time to conceive = Girl
    The baby's heartbeat was clocked at over 140 = Girl
    According to the Chinese gender chart = Girl
    I sleep on my left and right side = Boy or Girl
    I feel(felt) nausea = Girl
    I'm craving citrus = Girl
    I am gaining weight = Girl
    Best skin in a long time = Boy
    I'm feeling (extra)clumsy = Girl
    No weight gain in my face = Boy
    I'm craving salty stuff = Boy
    I'm moody = Girl
    I'm carrying high = Girl
    My hair is thick and looks pretty good (when I try) = Boy

    Grand total:
    Girl = 9
    Boy = 4
    Indeterminate = 1

  2. Short time to conceive = Girl
    The baby's heartbeat was clocked at over 140 = Girl
    According to the Chinese gender chart = Girl
    I sleep on my left and right side = Boy or Girl
    I did not have nausea = Boy
    I'm craving citrus = Girl
    I am gaining weight = Girl
    Best skin in a long time = Boy
    I'm feeling (extra)clumsy = Girl
    No weight gain in my face = Boy
    I'm craving salty stuff = Boy
    I'm moody = Girl
    I'm carrying low = Boy
    My hair is thick and looks pretty good (when I try) = Boy

    Grand total:
    Girl = 7
    Boy = 6
    Indeterminate = 1

    And I have an amazing baby BOY!

  3. So 2 for the old wives and 2 against! Who will break this tie? :) Thanks for playing along ladies - it's fun to see everyone's results!



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