Etsy Finds...

I think that etsy may be the devil. I could browse that site for hours! Luckily blogging about my finds helps me to resist the urge to buy everything in sight. Here are a few things I'm loving:

This little tie and suspenders onesie is to die for:


Adorable print:


Little Orange Monster T:


Organic baby bib:


Personalized hoop:

Handknit dress:

I could go on, but it wouldn't be healthy! If etsy was around when my Grandma was still crocheting up a storm, I think she'd be a billionaire...


  1. Wow...3 of those would be perfect for my kids- the onesie for Henry, the print for Amara's room and that shirt IS Zachary (and orange is his favorite color!!). The shirt would work for Jo too :)
    If only I had an unlimited supply of money!

  2. Etsy is the devil indeed. Especially if you've got a newborn. I just unwrapped two packages today. I MUST STOP!!!!

  3. Devil indeed.Loving that organic bib though...

  4. Congrat's on your new baby!!

    Thank you so much for including My "Little Alphabet Garden Print" in your post :)

  5. I love this post. I find searching through Etsy daunting so I appreciate you finding the good stuff!

  6. I love this post. I find searching through Etsy daunting so I appreciate you finding the good stuff!



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