Handmade Changing Station

Our nursery is tiny. Really tiny. It's basically the size of most people's walk-in closets. We knew we definitely didn't have space for a changing table, but hoped to place a changing pad on top of the dresser. Unfortunately, we realized that our dresser is so small that a standard changing pad would not fit on top. I went looking for other solutions, and found this beauty made by Oeuf:

I thought it would be the perfect space-saving solution for our tiny nursery, but at $230 it was a bit out of our price range. (Especially considering we spent just over $100 for the crib!) Luckily, I have a father-in-law who is a true craftsman when it comes to woodworking. He created an absolutely beautiful changing station for Violet for MUCH MUCH less:

Now if this little baby would just come on out, we could take this puppy for spin!


  1. Great solution!

    I grew up in a tiny (my cube at work is bigger) room in a 1920's bungalow. And as my sister says, our small rooms helped give us character :) Now I love smaller bedrooms and think some of the massive bedrooms that kids have nowadays are kinda redic.

  2. What a cute idea! I would of never thought of using the empty space there for a changing table!

  3. did you see this?

    not as sentimental + cost effective as your new one, but a cool idea.

  4. i totally hear you. we have a TINY office that would be our 2nd child's bedroom... no way would a changing table fit OR even a dresser. :( so this is a great idea!

    i'm happy to hear that the fourth door said her tiny bedroom gave her character! makes me feel better about giving a possible 2nd child a small bedroom until we could afford better.

  5. nice craftmanship. those oeuf changing boxes are way overpriced

  6. Super cute nursery! I'm due in May and bought the oeuf changer on craigslist. I'm trying to figure out how/where to set up my diapers and wipes so they are w/in arms reach. How did you store yours? TIA!

  7. Hi Lucinda - we have a small dresser to the left of the crib. We keep the diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream, etc. in the top drawer. Hope that helps!

  8. Super cute nursery! I'm due in May and bought the oeuf changer on craigslist. I'm trying to figure out how/where to set up my diapers and wipes so they are w/in arms reach. How did you store yours? TIA!



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