How did you come up with your blog title? I love it.

Thanks! I actually trying to come up with a new title for my blog that was broad enough to make sense with all of the various topics I write about, when I heard the Crosby, Still, & Nash song on the radio, 'Our House,' and I thought - we have two cats! (although not in the yard - they're inside cats. Well, we try to keep them inside - rascals!)

Now I just have to hope that they live a long time so I don't have to change the title to 'with one cat' or 'we used to have cats' or something like that...


  1. I love it! We have two indoor cats as well. Very creative title.

  2. adorable cats:) nothing makes a home like animals.

  3. adorable cats:) nothing makes a home like animals.

  4. I love it! We have two indoor cats as well. Very creative title.



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