Book Review: Mesmerised

Violet and I were recently sent a fabulous board book to review for all of you moms and mothers-to-be out there. It was designed specifically for infants, and especially for newborns with its graphic, high-contrast black and white illustrations. I love the concept and wish that I would have had something like this when V was fresh out of the womb. But the real question is, what did Violet think? Since she can't tell you yet, I thought I'd let her show you:

As you can see, she was definitely a fan of the images, and even thought the book made a great teether - multifunctional! I am pretty sure it has her stamp of approval. The book can be purchased online at this website.

Thanks to illustrator, Katey Love for giving us the opportunity to share this great concept with our readers!


  1. My daughter (6 months) got a similar book for Christmas except it unfolds, one side is white images on black pages and the other side is black images on white pages. She's enthralled by it.

  2. would love to get this book for my 2 month old son!



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