Hi there! Can I just say I looove your blog!! I am looking for help with my office space. The room is small, and I already have a desk and a bookshelf. I just need decor items and ideas. My husband also wants to keep his guitars in this space. The color of the room is tree moss by Benjamin Moore - it's really pretty and soothing. The desk is a dark cherry wood and the bookcase is an IKEA Expedite bookcase in a creamy linen white. Right now the room very neutral and everything just blends!
I need some color oomph or something that would make this room come alive. I also would like to find a cool filing cabinet or ottoman or something like that so I can put it under the desk and set the printer on top. I need wall decor too. As far as inspiration pics.. surprise me - I love everything you have ever posted!
Rug - cb2
Curtains - Urban Outfitters
Concrete Succulent Planters - Etsy seller TortoiseLovesDonkey
Two Birds Print - Etsy seller
Industrial File Cabinet - Macy's
Desk Lamp - yLighting
Mirrors - Crate & Barrel
'Yes' Wall Letters - cb2
Book Print - 20x200
Crocheted Pencil Holder - Etsy seller GreenAtHeart
Block Prints - Etsy seller Geninne
Green Tumbler - Etsy seller ASpeerStudio
Circular Wall Art - Crate & Barrel
Toadstools - Etsy seller ionesAttic
Unfortunately, Christine wasn't a huge fan of the rug I chose for her space, and since the entire idea board is based on the rug, it looks like it's back to the drawing board! Luckily I still get to share them with all of you. :) If you'd like an idea board for your home or event, please submit a request here.
wowwwwwww its really good stuff over here,, well i never see christine office before its a good experience for me,,i really like the stuff at all..