Our Christmas

This post is a bit late, as I was recently hit by the plague a bug that totally wiped me out of commission, but better late than never!

We spent the night at my parents' house on Christmas Eve and woke up there on Christmas morning. Usually we go to midnight mass and open presents in all of our pajama glory on Christmas morning, but we changed plans because of the babe. Violet did an amazing job of opening presents - she absolutely loved ripping off the paper (and trying to eat it) Here are some photos from our day:

Of course, the best present was the fact that Violet's Aunt Nikki flew the whole way from Australia to be with us this Christmas:

The day after Christmas, the Hubster's family and my family each had gatherings, so we decided to split up. Here are a few more photos that I just had to share because V looks so stinkin' cute!

Next year we hope to start some of our own Christmas traditions, including Christmas morning at our own house. Aren't holidays the best with a baby?!?


  1. she is so cute!!! i love her new wooden toys, awesome!

  2. oh my goodness that headband! So cute!!! Mind me asking where it came from??

  3. Not at all! It's from Zuzii:


  4. she is so cute!!! i love her new wooden toys, awesome!

  5. Not at all! It's from Zuzii:




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