2011 Year In Review: Violet

What a year we've had baby! We've been through a lot and learned a lot and grown and lot and guess what? We made it! And 2012 is sure to be the best yet. Here are a few highlights from 2011:

January: After eight months of nursing we discovered that you were allergic to your mama's breast milk. We tried an elimination diet, which helped but unfortunately not enough. So we weaned. It was emotional (for me more than for you) and painful (Again for me - thankfully not for you.) but in the end you were such a happier healthier baby on your prescription formula.

February: We celebrated your first Valentine's Day! Complete with some funny outtakes, you were Mommy & Daddy's favorite Valentine.

March: You finally started to crawl! Walking was your real goal but you finally settled to get from point A to point B.

April: Crawling didn't satisfy you for long! You were up and about before we knew what hit us.

We took a photo of you one year later in the same spot. On the left is your mama eight months pregnant and on the right you are 11 months old:

We had a heat wave and went for a spring romp in the yard:

And you went on your first Easter egg hunt. The prettiest little egg hunter I ever did see:

May: May was a big month. You turned one! We celebrated with a pink and red birthday party and your mama worried about if your birthday would be the same without cake. But it turned out fine in the end.

June: We had your one year photos taken by Megyn Barroner. It turned out to be a blazing hot day but you were a trooper and the pictures were beautiful.

You also fell in love with the great outdoors. Every leaf, rock, and twig was the greatest joy in your life.

And the flora wasn't the only thing you loved. The local animals got their share of attention as well:

July: We found ways to keep cool and you were daddy's favorite gardening assistant.

You also started to take to solid foods after we visited the feeding therapist. We shared some of the tips that we learned in the hopes that someone would find them helpful.

And last but not least, you attended your first baseball game on the fourth of July! The stairs and carousel were your favorite parts.

August: Mommy had a tough time with going back to work. It took a few months, but we finally all settled into a new 'normal'. (I think it was harder on me than on you.)

You also went on your first trip to the zoo! You were absolutely thrilled and we had a perfect day.

We finished out the month by switching from a bottle to a sippy cup. It took a few tries but we finally found the right fit and have been going strong ever since!

September: Your mama still struggled with being back at work. I wanted nothing more than to be home with my little girl. Luckily you were in good hands and having a ton of fun with your friends.

You had your first trip to the fair. It was a short one due to the weather, but you loved the lights, people, and animals. You even said, 'cow' and 'moo!'

I wrote a post to all of the mothers out there - Mothers Know Best. You were so so sick and I felt compelled to share what I'd learned from months of caring for a sick child.

October: Corn mazes, farm animals, and hay rides - October was a month for fall fun.

Your Aunt Kari and Uncle Alex tied the knot and you attended your first wedding in style:

Your favorite face to make was your 'stink face' - dubbed so by your father. And a cuter face I never did see!

And, of course, there was your very first trick-or-treat. Last year you dressed up and went to trunk-or-treat, but this year you went door to door for the first time and loved putting 'candies' in your bag!

Not as expected was a freak snow! You had your first sled ride and were fascinated by the fluffy white stuff.

November: We romped through the leaves, read a lot of Shel Silverstein, got a new iMac, and just spent time together as a family.

Your mama and papa worked on your dollhouse, and you enjoyed helping out around the house. Life was good.

December: In December we unexpectedly said so long to your pacifier. You took the news like a champ and went to bed with hardly a peep!

You settled into some amazing sleeping routines and attended your second annual cookie exchange. And of course, there was Christmas! You had a thrilling holiday week filled with family from near and far, birthday parties, and presents galore.

You've come so far! From a baby to a toddler, you've grown into such a beautiful, smart, and sweet little girl. Mommy and Daddy love you to the moon and back. We can't wait to spend 2012 with you!


Mommy & Daddy

A happy new year to you and yours! We hope that your year was as wonderful as ours and that your 2012 is filled with love and laughter.


  1. Directions Not IncludedDecember 30, 2011 at 11:54 PM

    She is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Happy New Year!

  2. These are such great photos filled with wonderful memories. Violet is such a cutie! Happy New Year!!!

  3. Hey Lauren,
    Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blog! I love you house/style, it's very inspiriring. We are in the military, so we move around alot, and are almost always renting, so I have lots of good ideas for "some day". I did use Violet's room as my nursery inspiration though!
    Happy New Year!

  4. Ahh this is great, it seems like you've both had a great year together.



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