Friday Favorites 11.25.11

*Disclaimer: I missed last week so there are a LOT of links this week. So sorry! Happy Friday!

Would love to spend a Christmas here (via The Boo and the Boy)

Rachel Castle's home. Love.

New blog/shop love.

This is us. Sooooo unfortunately (or fortunately?) us.

So much guilt goes around in my family. I think I've watched my mom feel guilty for so long that I've become immune to feeling family guilt for myself.

The perfect mini tree:

Wow, I knew Miss James' wedding was going to be unbelievable but I had no idea.

Bryn's post has me wanting to run out and buy a Klubbo! Too bad the H-Haus is so teeny tiny.

She never fails to make me laugh.

Cozies for your cups.

A fun felt tree for the little ones.

Ruby's picture perfect birth announcements.

Must host a 'fancy' Christmas party next year:

P.S. It's the last day to vote for me in Houzz for the Holidays - thank you all so so much for your support! All you have to do is leave a comment to vote :)



  1. I am in fact in your brain. Also great collection of stuff here

  2. Favorites so nice you posted them twice? :)

  3. Lauren @ with two catsDecember 11, 2011 at 11:14 AM

    Ha! Good catch - I had so many this week I didn't realize those were still in there :) Thanks.



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