Friday Favorites


Pinterest love.

I think this is an important read for any breastfeeding mother.

One day she will be older...

I need to get on top of this.

I would have slept here as a little girl:

[the smell of bacon and eggs coming from the kitchen, the sound of cartoons, hot cups of coffee and a tiny human streaking through the house in just underwear] - sounds pretty perfect

I'm definitely going to be playing around with this.

Makes sense of my own ambiguous disdain of licensed character toys + give her choices

What were you doing on 10.10.10?

Happy weekend! xo, Lauren


  1. In regards to the "What were you doing on 10.10.10" link...I don't get it. The link is to an entry about being anti-princess or something and has nothing to do with 10.10.10. I got all excited about the 10.10.10 thing because that was the day I got married!

  2. Thank you for the link to A cup of Jo. This reminds me so much of myself and it's so nice to see an honest post written through someone else's eyes. Happy Friday!

  3. Whoops! The 10.10.10 link should be all fixed now :)



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