Instagramish 2.21.12


  1. A few of the billions of flowers the Hubster got me for Valentine's Day week
  2. Me and my little Valentine
  3. More flowers from my Mister :)
  4. Paint from some crafty Valentine fun
  5. Cookies made for me by my little sweetheart
  6. And flowers from my Violet
  7. A pretty heart painted by a pretty girl

I realized I don't have any photos of me and the Hubster (just the crazy amount of flowers he got me - a bunch each day!) We kept it pretty low-key this year with a soon-to-be-two-year-old on our hands and no babysitter in sight. Just a clean house, candles, and a yummy dinner at home. (And of course the flowers!!!) We are, however, going to have a more romantic weekend coming up for my thirtieth birthday. We haven't decided for sure whether we're going for a staycation or a mini vacation away from home, but we do know that my parents are watching V so it'll be just the two of us! We've only had one entire weekend to ourselves since Violet was born and I was sick the whole time, so it didn't really count. I'm sure I'll miss my little munchkin, but at the same time I'm so excited!

-xo, Lauren


  1. Lovely! Where did you get violet's smock?

  2. I'm loving the new layout so far! I just turned 30 toooo! My parents took Sky overnight and it was awesome. We had a staycation in Seattle but instead of driving home after our evening, we got a hotel in the city. It was so fun to wake up the next morning, no breakfast in peace! A much needed break. :)



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