What do you feed your little one?

Now that Violet is firmly in the world of 'real' food, I feel like we're getting stuck in a meal time rut. So to encourage myself to be more creative with Violet's meals I thought I'd share one of her meals each week with all of you!

And to make it more fun I thought I'd make it a link-up! I'd so love to see what the rest of you are feeding your little ones. I need new ideas! 

Here's how it's going to (hopefully) work:

If you have a blog: Post a photo of one of your toddler/kid's meals from the week along with a description. 

No blog? Just post a photo of one of your toddler/kid's meals from the week along with a description onto a photo sharing site (like Flickr, Photobucket, or even Pinterest to name a few.) (Oh, and don't forget to make sure the photo is visible by the public.) 

Link back to your original post/photo via my blog so that we can all view each other's ideas! The first 'Mini Meals' post will go up this Wednesday, so don't forget to snap a photo of your little one's meal and join in. Hopefully we'll get more participants each week :)


P.S. I also started a 'mini meals' board on Pinterest where I'll share some of my favorite products and ideas as well!


  1. Great idea! I am always looking for new ideas food ideas for my picky 15 month old!

  2. this sounds awesome. I am definitely going to participate in this.

  3. great idea. I hope I remember to take a picture tonight! :)



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