Holiday Gift Guide 2013: Play Kitchen

Violet's really been getting into her play kitchen since she turned three, and I only wish it was bigger so that I could add all of this to it! Maybe someday we an buy a bigger house so that I can expand her play kitchen? (Because that's why you buy a bigger house, right?) So here are all of the things I would buy for her (and me) if I had the space (and money!):

Moulin Routy Friday's Groceries ($) | 10-Piece Gourmet Wooden Play Food Set ($) | Honeybee Market ($131) | Wooden Sushi Set ($22.46) | Plan Toys Wooden Toaster ($39.95) | Wooden Sundae ($13.98) | Wooden Petits Fours ($11.99) | Crochet Donut Rattle Set ($32) | Knit Tea Set ($68) | Wooden Popsicles ($18) | Haba Petit Fours ($10.07)

Hape Tabletop Cook & Grill ($39.95) | Wooden Rolling Pin | Wooden Grocery Cart ($79) | Wooden Donut Set ($27.95) | Felt Avocado Play Food | Pots and Pans ($9.99) | DUKTIG Play Kitchen ($79.99) | Vegetable Play Food ($7.99) | Farmhouse Play Kitchen ($219) | Wooden Popsicles ($10) | Kids' Apron ($45) | Wooden Hamburger Set of 2 ($18)

Don't forget to enter the baby and decor giveaways, and if you still haven't seen enough play kitchen loot, here are my play kitchen picks from last year.  xo, Lauren

2013 Holiday Gift Guide:

  • For Your Little Artist
  • For the Babes
  • Make Believe
  • Musical Toys

  • Featured:

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