One of my friends on Facebook posted a link yesterday and it couldn't have come at a better time. I was pacing the floors of my house with a teething baby, exhausted from sleepless nights and restless days, looking for some relief or escape in my newsfeed. My house looked like an explosion despite feeling like I had spent every spare minute cleaning it, my blog had no post ready despite feeling like I spent a ton of time working on it, and I generally felt like I had gotten absolutely nothing accomplished and would never be able accomplish anything again. It's funny how you know in your head that this whole baby thing isn't forever and you can simultaneously long for and dread its end.
So anyway, I know that someday I will get a full night's sleep again. I know that I should soak up and treasure every minute of my child's babyhood because it goes by in the blink of an eye. But right at that moment I pretty much wanted to run screaming into the night, find a very strong tranquilizer or sedative, and sleep for the rest of eternity, Rip van Winkle style.
The post was titled, "Answering the Question, "What Do You Do All Day?" And although my husband never asks me this question when he arrives home after a long day of work (smart man), I often think he is probably thinking it. Heck, I think it sometimes. So honey, if you're reading this, click on that there link and you will find out what I do all day. I think they pulled the words directly out of my head and put them onto paper in a much more thoughtful and eloquent style than I myself would have been able to do.
TGIF people - TGIF.
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