Pregnancy by Trimester, Month, and Week

On a side note, I see a lot of people online who are confused about how many 'months' pregnant they are. It can be confusing, but this helps me a lot:

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For those who are still confused, here is an example. I am 29 weeks. This means I am IN the third trimester and I am IN my seventh month. If someone asked me how many months pregnant I am, I would tell them 6.5 months or almost 7 months. I won't actually say '7 months' until I am IN the eighth month. 

This is very similar to age. When I am 27.5 old, I don't say that I am 28 years old yet.

Sorry this is very random and I'm off on a tangent here, but I figured it was worth posting about since it can be confusing to a lot of people. Hope that helps! 


  1. It definitely confuses people! Cool chart!

  2. I thought the bump pics were so cute on the side and it's so clear and organized. Love this chart :)

  3. It definitely confuses people! Cool chart!

  4. I thought the bump pics were so cute on the side and it's so clear and organized. Love this chart :)



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