Registry Roundup: Nursery Decor

Part two of our registry roundup - this one focuses on my favorite baby stuff - nursery decor!

You'd think we would have found most of our decor at a 'baby' store, like Babies R Us, Land of Nod, or Pottery Barn Kids, right?

Surprise! Most of the items listed below are from non-baby specific stores or sites. Did we try this? just so happens that we apparently don't gravitate toward items made specifically for babies. Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of cute stuff in the world of baby products, but it either wasn't us or it was ridiculously expensive. This is where our Amazon registry and its 'Add to Registry' button came in really handy.

Now I knew that I wanted one of Jennifer Ramos' amazing Love prints:


And between that blast of beautiful candy yellow, the colorful curtains, and our custom crib bedding, we already had a lot of color going on in a small space. So it was a given that the rest of the nursery decor be a little less LOUD. Here's what we picked out:

Hanging Hamper -
  • We chose this particular hamper because it is compact, will fold up easily, and won't take up any floor space, which we are particularly lacking.
Table Lamp - IKEA
  • Loving that this lamp has a dimmer feature for those nighttime feedings and diaper changes
Zinc Letter 'V' - Anthropologie 
  • V is for Violet :)
Bird Mobile - Jilly Bean Green
  • Our one baby specific item for the nursery - loving the natural wood look.
Burlap Ruffle Pillow - Etsy
Linen Rose Pillow - Etsy
Shaggy Grey Pillow - cb2
  • Don't worry, no pillows will be entering Violet's crib - they are all for her window seat. It'll be a comfy cozy space to curl up and read a bedtime story or two.
Floor Lamp -IKEA
  • This lamp is small enough to fit in our tiny little room and the bend at the top allows it to stand tall despite our slanted walls. And I can't leave out that the price is just right.

Hopefully this room will grow with Violet as she gets older. Someone recently asked me why so many people want a room that will grow with their baby - isn't it fun to redecorate?

My answer is yes it is fun, and although I would absolutely love to redecorate every couple of years, it really isn't practical for us budget-wise. I'm sure we'll make some updates along the way, but a total overhaul is a bit out of the question.

What do you think - is the perfect nursery baby specific or do you prefer rooms that can easily transition to the toddler and grade school years?


  1. Personally, I love gender neutral rooms that can easily transition to an older child's room. Having more neutral walls and flooring allows the pieces, accessories adn art work in the room to make it age appropriate.

  2. You should see my daughter's room- we decorated it totally free with hand-me-downs and gifts! Two of her walls are adorned with the baby balloons we received at the hospital (flattened, of course) and all of her furniture was passed on from various family members. Nothing really matches, but it looks like the perfect little girl's room, with plenty of opportunity to transform as she grows...if she wants to. I haven't figured out a way to save on space just yet (it's VERY cluttered) but the decor is the best in the whole house!!

  3. It's so funny how we have the same views, but different taste. I don't like the baby style decorating either however I choose more traditional decorating and you're more modern. I love what you have picked, though. Are you thinking of doing the vinyl wall art? I'm definitely considering something of the sort for above the crib.
    -sarah m.

  4. Thanks for your comments ladies :) We thought about vinyl wall decals - they are so easy to put up and remove. But in the end we decided to go cheap and paint something on the wall ourselves :) Stay tuned for pics!

  5. Personally, I love gender neutral rooms that can easily transition to an older child's room. Having more neutral walls and flooring allows the pieces, accessories adn art work in the room to make it age appropriate.

  6. You should see my daughter's room- we decorated it totally free with hand-me-downs and gifts! Two of her walls are adorned with the baby balloons we received at the hospital (flattened, of course) and all of her furniture was passed on from various family members. Nothing really matches, but it looks like the perfect little girl's room, with plenty of opportunity to transform as she grows...if she wants to. I haven't figured out a way to save on space just yet (it's VERY cluttered) but the decor is the best in the whole house!!

  7. It's so funny how we have the same views, but different taste. I don't like the baby style decorating either however I choose more traditional decorating and you're more modern. I love what you have picked, though. Are you thinking of doing the vinyl wall art? I'm definitely considering something of the sort for above the crib.
    -sarah m.



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