Eye Candy

For your Monday...I am seriously IN LOVE with these new images from BHG magazine:

It makes me want to repaint my house again!


  1. I'm drooling over that kitchen. It's heavenly!!

    Feel free to come and paint my house, lol!

    We've lived here for...almost 7 years now and we've only painted one room. I'm terrible at following through on projects. I have all the tools and one big gallon of low (or no) VOC paint and some little ones (chalkboard and magnet paint) to play around with. I just need a push to get started!! I hate my white walls but I don't know where to start.

  2. I just stumbled on your blog from d*s and I can't stop reading! I was just browsing the BHG mag yesterday, and I loved the exact same pictures.

    My husband and I just bought a 1930s home too. I'm getting loads of inspiration from your blog!

  3. Do you know what color the walls are in the third picture from the top? It's the light gray dining room with the white wicker chairs. There's a number "2" printed on the bottom left corner of the picture. THANKS!

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  5. Sorry, I'm not sure of the wall color! It is somewhat similar to a paint color I have used though - Behr Cheyenne Rock. Sorry I can't be more helpful! All of the photos are from BHG, so maybe you could find more info on their site? If I find anything out from my mag I'll let you know!



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