Loving, Hating, Loving

Loving this:

Hating: On a side note, I met with the most arrogant doctor in my practice yesterday. Seriously, they must hide this guy until you are too far along to change doctors! He practically laughed at my couple of itty bitty birth preferences and made me feel like an idiot.

Loving: On the plus side, the jerk doctor told me that I'm measuring (Gasp!) on the small side (did he look at my belly?!), so I get to see my baby via ultrasound for the third time on Friday!


  1. That jerk doctor! I find that being honest with snotty people sometimes helps. Like if you said something like, "I know my preferences may seem silly to you since you deliver so many children all the time and work with so many couples, but this is my first child and it's a really big deal to me. This is a life-changing experience, as I'm sure you realize. It would mean a lot and really help my overall experience if you were supportive and encouraging about these preferences." How can he possibly respond negatively to something like that? Sounds kinda funny to say something like that to a doctor, but he is in a service-providing industry and he of course should strive to provide great service to all his patients. also I can punch him in the face for you if needed. :)

  2. What an A-hole!! I hope they respect your birth plan, this is so important.

  3. What an A-hole!! I hope they respect your birth plan, this is so important.

  4. That jerk doctor! I find that being honest with snotty people sometimes helps. Like if you said something like, "I know my preferences may seem silly to you since you deliver so many children all the time and work with so many couples, but this is my first child and it's a really big deal to me. This is a life-changing experience, as I'm sure you realize. It would mean a lot and really help my overall experience if you were supportive and encouraging about these preferences." How can he possibly respond negatively to something like that? Sounds kinda funny to say something like that to a doctor, but he is in a service-providing industry and he of course should strive to provide great service to all his patients. also I can punch him in the face for you if needed. :)



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