Hi! I love your blog! I am expecting a bambino in December (my first) and I am completely lost in the registry department. I have deicded I want to try and breastfeed and loved your post on the subject the other day! What Breast Pump did you purchase?

Thanks so much and congratulations! I have the Medela Pump in Style:

I like that it is easy to transport - it comes in a black carrying case. It isn't strong enough to pump both sides at the same time like the hospital grade pump, but it does the job pretty well. Luckily I didn't have to purchase one - I just borrowed it from my sister-in-law and the hospital provided me with new tubes, flanges, etc. Overall I would definitely recommend it!

Also, here are a few posts I did on registering:






Hope that helps!



  1. I have the same pump. I thought I didn't like it, but you just opened my eyes by saying "it's not strong enough to pump both sides at once". I never thought to try one at a time! Glad I still have it for future babies!

  2. I have a Medela and love it, although I rarely used it. But it was nice when I needed it.

  3. Beth - I didn't think I liked it at first either b/c it seemed so weak compared to the hospital pump, but my sister-in-law recommended one side at a time and it works much better that way!

  4. It's been a long time, but I used to pump one side while nursing on the other. Saves a lot of time :)

  5. Jennifer - I've thought about it, but V hates the pump sound and is really easily distracted (AKA nosy) when she's eating, so I doubt it would work for me :( Maybe the next baby! ;)

  6. Thanks so so much! I will add this to the registry!!!!

  7. I have the Medela Freestyle and it is strong enough to pump both sides at once, which I did during the times that I had to pump.

  8. Thanks Renee, it would definitely be MUCH faster to be able to pump both sides at once!



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