New Stuff

So Grammy and Pop Pop babysat the other evening, and I finally got some time to do some *much needed* blog maintenance. For example, until recently, my 'About' section still called me a mother-to-be  (and that was SO three months ago). Not to mention the fact that there was no picture of my beautiful girl to be found. Every time i looked at it I felt like horrible mother. Well no longer!

Check out the newness:

I also added a link in case you are still voting for Violet's nursery in the Bump's real nursery contest:

I know, it's kind of like the contest that NEVER ends, but we'd really love to go to Beaches Turks & Caicos, and we really appreciate your support! We're actually doing really well and we have y'all to thank for it!

And since a lot of this blog now focuses on the most important person in my whole world:

I thought that I could rightly join the ranks of all of the fabulous baby bloggers out there and add with two cats to Top Baby Blogs:

I'd love to open up the conversation to more moms (and dads) out there (let's face it...I need all of the help I can get) and I think this will be a great way to do that.

So if you could help a girl out and click on the button once in a while, we'd really appreciate that as well! (Man, I feel like a regular politician these days with all of the vote grubbing I've been doing...)

So I think that just about does it for the changes - at least for now. Have a great weekend everyone!

P.S. Tonight is Violet's first overnight stay away from home - wish us luck!!!



  1. I love to vote!! I've been voting on your nursery as often as I can (though the captcha words are starting to creep me out- "numbs increasingly"!?). I just voted for you for Top Baby Blogs as well. I love supporting others because I know how great it feels to have that support and win!!
    I love your updated "About".
    I hope Violet's overnight stay went well (for all of you!).

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. LOVE all the newness! Hope Violet's first sleepover went well...I always found that it was me that was the most stressed being away from my bubs for the first time...



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